EPOG-DN - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation - Doctoral network

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DC8 — Wellbeing without growth

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    Project titleWell­be­ing with­out growth - Lessons learned dur­ing the pan­dem­ic (DC8)
    Super­vi­sorsGia­co­mo D’Alisa (UAB), Gior­gos Kallis (UAB), Simone D’Alessandro (UNIPI)
    Work pack­ageWP5 — Devel­op­ment, sus­tain­able devel­op­ment and the socioe­co­log­i­cal transitions
    Objec­tivesThe objec­tive is to under­stand the social and eco­nom­ic fac­tors and struc­tures that allow the decou­pling of well-being from GDP in peri­ods of stag­nant or declin­ing GDP. The project aims to be ground­ed on empir­i­cal evi­dence based on nations that have faced pro­longed or intense peri­ods of eco­nom­ic stag­na­tion and were able to adapt (or not) to the lack/end of growth. The focus will be on how nation­al economies man­aged with­out growth dur­ing the peri­od of lock­downs and, in par­tic­u­lar, how they sus­tained essen­tial sectors.
    Expect­ed resultsThe project will pro­duce (i) select­ed case stud­ies of coun­tries dur­ing the pan­dem­ic (e.g. Japan, Italy, Spain, Cuba), (ii) a cross-cut­ting analy­sis of these case stud­ies and (iii) a typol­o­gy of dif­fer­ent experiences/routes to post-growth.
    Planned mobil­i­ty / secondment(s)Dura­tion of the PhD: 36 months (M6-M42)
    Main insti­tu­tion: UAB
    Vis­it­ing and secondment(s): UNIPI (M10 to M16 and M28-M30) and AFD (M18 to M22)
    Degree award­ing institutionUAB
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