EPOG-DN - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation - Doctoral network

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DC5 — Stock-flow consistent modelling with a Unified assets Framework for Improved Sustainability decision-support (SUFIS)

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    Project titleStock-flow con­sis­tent mod­el­ling with a Uni­fied assets Frame­work for Improved Sus­tain­abil­i­ty deci­sion-sup­port (SUFIS) (DC5)
    Super­vi­sorsMikael Ran­drup Byr­i­alsen (AAU), Bo Wei­de­ma (AAU)
    Work pack­ageWP4 — Macro­eco­nom­ics, finance and the nat­ur­al world for just socioe­co­nom­ic transitions
    Objec­tivesThe objec­tive is to con­tribute to improved deci­sion-sup­port for sus­tain­able devel­op­ment by adding stock-flow con­sis­ten­cy to an inte­grat­ed eco­nom­ic-envi­ron­men­tal mod­el, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly bal­anc­ing the account­ing frame­work across nat­ur­al, man­u­fac­tured, human, social, and finan­cial assets, pro­vid­ing a mod­el and empir­i­cal data imple­men­ta­tion that is suf­fi­cient­ly trans­par­ent, flex­i­ble, scal­able, and acces­si­ble to be applic­a­ble for sup­port­ing prac­ti­cal decision-making.
    Expect­ed resultsDC5 will pro­vide a macro-eco­nom­ic stock-flow con­sis­tent, uni­fied assets mod­el in suf­fi­cient detail to pro­vide sup­port for deci­sions for nation­al policies
    Planned mobil­i­ty / secondment(s)Dura­tion of the PhD: 36 months (M6-M42)
    Main insti­tu­tion: AAU
    Vis­it­ing and secondment(s): IIASA (M18 to M30)
    Degree award­ing institutionAAU
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