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DC2 — Which role for low-tech, commons-based manufacturing and decentralised production within the ecological transition perspective?

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    Project titleWhich role for low-tech, com­mons-based man­u­fac­tur­ing and decen­tralised pro­duc­tion with­in the eco­log­i­cal tran­si­tion per­spec­tive? (DC2)
    Super­vi­sorsDavid Flach­er (UTC), Fil­ip­po Bar­bera (UNITO)
    Work pack­ageWP3 — Knowl­edge, inno­va­tion and sociotech­ni­cal tran­si­tions in the dig­i­tal era
    Objec­tivesDC2 shall inves­ti­gate new forms of man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­duc­tion which could be com­pli­ant with sus­tain­abil­i­ty and resilience tar­gets. This includes (i) ques­tion­ing the role/limits of intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty and the com­mons-based approach­es of man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­duc­tion, (ii) ques­tion­ing the nature of both tech­ni­cal and social inno­va­tion for the GB (with a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on low-tech, foun­da­tion­al econ­o­my and fru­gal inno­va­tion), (iii) recon­sid­er­ing the pos­si­ble organ­i­sa­tions of the pro­duc­tion in a tran­si­tion­ing world (decen­tralised vs. cen­tralised pro­duc­tion, relo­ca­tion and recon­fig­u­ra­tion of val­ue chains, part­ner­ship between small enti­ties, big/traditional com­pa­nies and the States).
    Expect­ed resultsDC2 will devel­op a the­o­ry of “indus­tri­al com­mons”. This approach will allow to com­ple­ment the already exist­ing the­o­ries of land com­mons (Ostrom 1990), knowl­edge com­mons (Hess and Ostrom 2007) or dig­i­tal com­mons (Bol­lier and Hel­frich 2015) by con­sid­er­ing the extent to which man­u­fac­tur­ing can also be addressed through com­mon­ing prac­tices. This will allow to help under­stand­ing how com­mons can be used for the GB when it comes to pro­duce man­u­fac­tured goods. A typol­o­gy of man­u­fac­tured goods as com­mons will be derived by the DC in rela­tion to the nature of the goods, modes of gov­er­nance, roles in the tran­si­tions, and con­texts. DC2 will con­tribute to WP1 by high­light­ing orig­i­nal sociotech­ni­cal approached of pro­duc­tion and the con­di­tions for their scal­ing-up. He/she will also con­tribute to devel­op con­tri­bu­tions direct­ly use­ful in WP5 as it reem­beds social and eco­nom­ic activ­i­ties through­out the tran­si­tion perspective.
    Planned mobil­i­ty / secondment(s)Dura­tion of the PhD: 36 months (M6-M42).
    Main insti­tu­tion: UTC
    Vis­it­ing and secondment(s): UNITO (M12 to M20) and RIPESS (M24-M28).
    Degree award­ing institutionUTC
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