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DC1 — Platforms, big tech companies and the ecological transition

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    Project titlePlat­forms, big tech com­pa­nies and the eco­log­i­cal tran­si­tion (DC1)
    Super­vi­sorsCecil­ia Rikap (UTC/UCL), Aldo Geu­na (UNITO)
    Work pack­ageWP3 — Knowl­edge, inno­va­tion and sociotech­ni­cal tran­si­tions in the dig­i­tal era
    Objec­tivesDC1 will inves­ti­gate the grow­ing role of big tech plat­form com­pa­nies with respect to the eco­log­i­cal tran­si­tion mat­ters and their (actu­al and poten­tial) eco­nom­ic, polit­i­cal and social impacts. This will include a crit­i­cal analy­sis of: (i) the ‘dig­i­tal mar­ket solu­tions’ devel­oped by those com­pa­nies (rel­e­vance, eco­log­i­cal foot­print, rebound effects, etc.), (ii) the evo­lu­tion of pow­er rela­tions with­in the econ­o­my and the result­ing unequal dis­tri­b­u­tion of eco­nom­ic rents with the con­sti­tu­tion of (intel­lec­tu­al) monop­oly pow­er, (iii) the con­sti­tu­tion and unfold­ing of cor­po­rate ver­sus polit­i­cal pow­er in rela­tion to the devel­op­ment of tech­nolo­gies for the eco­log­i­cal tran­si­tion. In par­tic­u­lar the tran­si­tion will be analysed as a source of prof­its and monop­oly pow­er over intan­gi­ble assets (patents, big data, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence algo­rithms, inno­va­tion, etc.), with poten­tial adverse effects (in par­tic­u­lar with respect to the equi­table dimen­sion of the tran­si­tion and to the nation­al eco­nom­ic sov­er­eign­ty). DC1 may decide to focus on spe­cif­ic dimen­sions (e.g. the ener­gy tran­si­tion, waste reduc­tion), com­pa­nies (among GAFAM and BATHX) and region­al area.
    Expect­ed resultsThe research shall estab­lish (i) a typol­o­gy of big tech com­pa­nies’ prod­ucts (ii) an analy­sis of their R&D strate­gies in rela­tion to the eco­log­i­cal tran­si­tion, (iii) in-depth analy­sis of the evo­lu­tions of pow­er rela­tions at eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal lev­el. DC1 will con­tribute to WP3 by con­sid­er­ing the sociotech­ni­cal tran­si­tions from the big tech per­spec­tive and in par­tic­u­lar the com­plex rela­tions between the dig­i­tal and the eco­log­i­cal transitions.
    Planned mobil­i­ty / secondment(s)Dura­tion of the PhD: 36 months (M6-M42).
    Main insti­tu­tion: UTC
    Vis­it­ing and secondment(s): UNITO (M18 to M29) and SGPE (M30).
    Degree award­ing institutionUTC
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