EPOG-DN - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation - Doctoral network

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    The EPOG-DN project offers 11 ful­ly fund­ed schol­ar­ships for doc­tor­al can­di­dates (DCs), as list­ed below.

    ProjectProject titleSuper­vi­sorWPMobil­i­ty / secondementDegree award­ing institution
    DC1Plat­forms, big tech com­pa­nies and the eco­log­i­cal transitionCecil­ia Rikap (UTC/UCL), Aldo Geu­na (UNITO)WP3UTC, UNITO, SGPEUTC
    DC2Which role for low-tech, com­mons-based man­u­fac­tur­ing and decen­tralised pro­duc­tion with­in the eco­log­i­cal tran­si­tion perspectiveDavid Flach­er (UTC), Fil­ip­po Bar­bera (UNITO)WP3UTC, UNITO, RIPESSUTC
    DC3Big Data and In Natu­ra Cal­cu­la­tion for Eco­log­i­cal PlanningCédric Durand (UNIGE), Razmig Keucheyan (UPC)WP3UNIGE, UPC, SGPEUNIGE
    DC4Inte­grat­ed Assess­ment Mod­els: meth­ods and appli­ca­tions to under­stand and man­age complexitySimone D’A­lessan­dro (UNIPI), Hervé Jean­mart (UCLou­vain)WP4UNIPI, UCLou­vain, IIASAUNIPI
    DC5Stock-flow con­sis­tent mod­el­ling with a Uni­fied assets Frame­work for Improved Sus­tain­abil­i­ty deci­sion-sup­port (SUFIS)Mikael Ran­drup Byr­i­alsen (AAU), Bo Wei­de­ma (AAU)WP4AAU, IIASAAAU
    DC6Eco­nom­ic metab­o­lism and unequal exchange: a Glob­al North / Glob­al South perspectiveJason Hick­el (UAB), Dominik Wieden­hofer (BOKU)WP4UAB, BOKU, AFDUAB
    DC7Rethink­ing devel­op­ment in devel­op­ing coun­tries: evo­lu­tion of pro­duc­tive struc­ture, depen­dence and trade in the con­text of the eco­log­i­cal transitionVale­ria Costan­ti­ni (ROMA3), Antonel­la Palum­bo (ROMA3), Manuel Scholz-Wäck­er­le (WU)WP4ROMA3, WU, AFDROMA3
    DC8Well­be­ing with­out growthGia­co­mo D’Alisa (UAB), Gior­gos Kallis (UAB), Simone D’Alessandro (UNIPI)WP5UAB, UNIPI, AFDUAB
    DC9The wage-labour nexus in a plan­e­tary bound­aries-fit economyLoui­son Cahen-Fourot (RUC), Dany Lang (USPN)WP5RUC, USPN, ETUIRUC
    DC10Work­place democ­ra­cy and the eco­log­i­cal transitionEnri­co Ser­gio Lev­rero (ROMA3), Antoine Rebéri­oux (UPC), Thomas Lamarche (UPC)WP5ROMA3, UPC, ETUIROMA3
    DC11Con­tri­bu­tion of envi­ron­men­tal NGO’s to urban eco­log­i­cal restora­tion and rewil­d­ing dynamicsNathalie Blanc (UPC), Harold Lev­rel (UPC / AgroParis­Tech), Luc Abbadie (SU)WP5UPC, SU, PARIS and BrusselsUPC

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