EPOG-DN - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation - Doctoral network

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  • FAQ

    FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions

    1.    How to apply for EPOG-DN

    You can only apply elec­tron­i­cal­ly via the EPOG online appli­ca­tion form. See the “call for appli­ca­tions” page.

    2.    PhD Scholarships

    Please look at the “admis­sion require­ment” on the “call for appli­ca­tions” page.

    3.    Academic requirements

    It is not nec­es­sary to hold a degree in eco­nom­ics. How­ev­er, the EPOG-DN doc­tor­al net­work is pri­mar­i­ly in eco­nom­ics. It is thus cru­cial to have a min­i­mum back­ground in eco­nom­ics (macro­eco­nom­ics, micro­eco­nom­ics, sta­tis­tics, inter­na­tion­al eco­nom­ics…). An appli­cant with a degree in “Inter­na­tion­al Rela­tions”, “Law”, “Soci­ol­o­gy”, “Polit­i­cal sci­ences” or any oth­er aca­d­e­m­ic fields will be con­sid­ered on a case-by-case basis. He/she can be con­sid­ered eli­gi­ble pro­vid­ed that he/she has enough cred­its in eco­nom­ics with good grades as stat­ed in the call for appli­ca­tions.

    If your Master’s degree is not in eco­nom­ics, you must have obtained at least 36 ECTS in eco­nom­ics (see below for expla­na­tion of ECTS) dur­ing your pre­vi­ous stud­ies to be eli­gi­ble. Spe­cif­ic require­ments may be asked depend­ing on the Indi­vid­ual research project.

    There­fore, appli­cants with oth­er degrees in human­i­ties (polit­i­cal sci­ence, law, inter­na­tion­al rela­tions…) or busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion will be con­sid­ered, pro­vid­ed they ful­fill the above-men­tioned cri­te­ria. Excep­tions can be made for excep­tion­al appli­cants, if the selec­tion com­mit­tee con­sid­ers the pro­file and skills can fit very well the objec­tives of a spe­cif­ic indi­vid­ual research project.

    If there is no estab­lished sys­tem of con­ver­sion of cred­its into ECTS in your coun­try of stud­ies, please detail in the com­ments sec­tion and in your state­ment of pur­pose the extent of your back­ground in eco­nom­ics. You can add a doc­u­ment explain­ing the cred­its and grad­ing sys­tem of your coun­try of stud­ies in the “Option­al Attach­ments” sec­tion of the online appli­ca­tion form.

    The Euro­pean Cred­it Trans­fer and Accu­mu­la­tion Sys­tem (ECTS) is a stu­dent-cen­tred sys­tem based on the stu­dent work­load required to achieve the objec­tives of a pro­gramme of study. Its aim is to facil­i­tate the recog­ni­tion of study peri­ods under­tak­en by mobile stu­dents through the trans­fer of cred­its. The ECTS is based on the prin­ci­ple that 60 cred­its are equiv­a­lent to the work­load of full-time stu­dent dur­ing one aca­d­e­m­ic year (30 ECTS per semester).

    If you come from out­side of the Euro­pean Union, please inform us on how to con­vert your course cred­its into ECTS and how to convert/read your aca­d­e­m­ic grades. For this pur­pose, use the “Option­al Attach­ments” sec­tion of the online appli­ca­tion form. This infor­ma­tion should main­ly rely on offi­cial argu­ments and texts. How­ev­er, if such offi­cial doc­u­ments are not avail­able, con­sid­er that a full year (study­ing full time) at uni­ver­si­ty cor­re­sponds more or less to 60 ECTS. If a full year in your insti­tu­tions to 40 local cred­its, for instance, a rea­son­able con­ver­sion is 1 local cred­it equal 1.5 ECTS. If a full year cor­re­sponds to 120 local cred­its, the rea­son­able con­ver­sion would be 1 local cred­it equal 0.5 ECTS… In some coun­try, a full-time year of study is com­posed of 15 mod­ules each year (4 ECTS each on aver­age). In oth­er coun­tries, the mod­ules can be only 6 with a lot of home­work (each mod­ule cor­re­spond­ing to 10 ECTS…). You should thus make your own assump­tions and explain them.

    For spe­cif­ic coun­try infor­ma­tion, you can refer to the ENIC-NARIC web­site.

    The EPOG-DN is a dot­co­ral pro­gramme. There­fore, we expect appli­cants to have already obtained their Master’s/postgraduate degree or to be expect­ing it dur­ing the aca­d­e­m­ic year before the pro­gramme starts: In order to be eli­gi­ble for the EPOG-DN pro­gramme, you need to grad­u­ate by August 31 (of the year in which the pro­gramme starts) at the latest.

    For the “aca­d­e­m­ic tran­scripts” sec­tion of the online appli­ca­tion form, you should put the grades that are avail­able to you at the moment of appli­ca­tion (includ­ing the grades obtained dur­ing the cur­rent aca­d­e­m­ic year if you are still a stu­dent). The last grades can be updat­ed until the end of the appli­ca­tion period.

    In brief, you should pro­vide the grades for the cur­rent (or last) aca­d­e­m­ic year and the grades for the aca­d­e­m­ic year just before. E.g. if you are about to com­plete your degree, you shall pro­vide the grades avail­able for the aca­d­e­m­ic year 2022–2023 and the grades avail­able for the aca­d­e­m­ic year 2023–2024.

    As stat­ed in the “call for appli­ca­tion” page, to be eli­gi­ble, a doc­tor­al can­di­date can­not already have a doc­tor­al degree at the date of the recruitment.

    4.    English language skills

    The main lan­guage in the EPOG-DN project will be Eng­lish. It is there­fore cru­cial to be able to under­stand class­es, read doc­u­ments, express your­self clear­ly and write essays in Eng­lish. This is why we require non-native speak­ers to pro­vide proof of their lan­guage abil­i­ty (see the “call for appli­ca­tions” page for details on min­i­mum require­ments in English).

    If you are cur­rent­ly a stu­dent, your Eng­lish-lan­guage test should be rel­a­tive­ly recent (3 years at the most). How­ev­er, if you are not a stu­dent any­more and can prove you have been work­ing in Eng­lish recent­ly, we will accept an old­er Eng­lish-lan­guage test.


    An excep­tion can be made for stu­dents whose post­grad­u­ate degree was/is taught in Eng­lish, pro­vid­ed that they can prove that all cours­es or the very large major­i­ty of cours­es were taught in Eng­lish. The jus­ti­fi­ca­tion must be clear­ly pre­sent­ed and sub­stan­ti­at­ed in a doc­u­ment that may be uploaded instead of the proof of Eng­lish pro­fi­cien­cy (e.g. a cer­tifi­cate or offi­cial let­ter of your high­er edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tion, with seal and sig­na­ture of one of its high author­i­ties). Note that if you are not able to pro­vide con­vinc­ing proofs, you must pro­vide an Eng­lish test cer­tifi­cate (among those required on the “call for appli­ca­tions” page).

    One year spent in an Eng­lish-speak­ing insti­tu­tion or coun­try is not enough to prove your lev­el, unless you can prove that your lev­el is par­tic­u­lar­ly good. If you are in this sit­u­a­tion, you are advised to sit for an Eng­lish lan­guage test.

    There is no code for EPOG-DN. You should wait until you receive results of your test, scan the results and add them as an attach­ment to your application.

    In this case, you should (i) indi­cate which test you will take and what grade you are expect­ing and (ii) attach (option­al attach­ments) the evi­dences you may already have to help us to assess your Eng­lish lev­el. Once you get your results, you should send them to application@epog-dn.eu with “TEST RESULTS” in the sub­ject line before June 10. Please note that we will not accept any test results after this date and that we will can­cel your selec­tion if the results do not meet the min­i­mum requirements. 

    5.    Passport and identity documents

    You are required to upload a scanned copy of your pass­port with your appli­ca­tion form. How­ev­er, if you do not have a pass­port at the time of appli­ca­tion, you can upload a nation­al iden­ti­ty doc­u­ment instead.

    If you are select­ed for the course, you will need a pass­port for trav­el pur­pos­es: you are advised to start with the admin­is­tra­tive pro­ce­dure as soon as possible.

    6.    Application details

    No. Appli­ca­tions have to be sub­mit­ted online (direct­ly on the website).

    No. You should attach scanned copies of your doc­u­ments to the online appli­ca­tion (attach­ments sec­tion). Hard copies will only be request­ed if you are pre-select­ed for the course.

    If you do not have a cer­ti­fied trans­la­tion of your degree at the time of appli­ca­tion, you can upload an uncer­ti­fied trans­la­tion along with the orig­i­nal degree. How­ev­er, if you are pre-select­ed for the course, you will need to pro­vide a cer­ti­fied trans­la­tion by June 10.

    There is no spe­cif­ic for­mat or ques­tion­naire. We rec­om­mend the ref­er­ees how­ev­er, not to exceed one page (500 words). The let­ters do not need to be addressed to any spe­cif­ic institution.

    As soon as you will fill the form con­cern­ing your ref­er­ees, they ref­er­ees will receive an email with a link, giv­ing them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to upload the let­ter direct­ly (if so, you will see on the plat­form that it has been uploaded). If a ref­er­ee has not uploaded it himself/herself, you still have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to upload it yourself.

    In case of non-selec­tion and if you have grounds to believe that your appli­ca­tion file, although com­plete, was not processed through the selec­tion pro­ce­dure, you may engage an appeal pro­ce­dure by fill­ing the form which you can down­load here. This form should be sent no lat­er than one week after noti­fi­ca­tion of the deci­sion to appeal@epog.eu.
    Please note that the appeal can­not con­cern the deci­sion itself, but only an alleged error made in the process that has result­ed in the con­test­ed decision.

    If you live at your par­ents, in addi­tion to your own sworn state­ment, you can pro­vide a sworn state­ment signed by one of your par­ents attest­ing that you are liv­ing at their home, togeth­er with one of the doc­u­ments list­ed in the “call for appli­ca­tions” page (under the name of the par­ent who have signed the attestation).

    If you are not able to find one of the list­ed doc­u­ments on time, you can send the most rel­e­vant doc­u­ment you have or, oth­er­wise, the only sworn statement.

    If the proof of res­i­dence you pro­vide is not in Eng­lish (or any lan­guage from the EPOG-DN full part­ners), we advise you to add an expla­na­tion in Eng­lish stat­ing: (i) what is this doc­u­ment (res­i­dence cer­tifi­cate or elec­tric­i­ty bill or…), (ii) the name of the insti­tu­tion which has issued the doc­u­ment, (iii) the date of issuance of the doc­u­ment, (iv) the name and address of the per­son to whom the doc­u­ments belongs/has been sent (and the rela­tion with you if the doc­u­ment is not yours).

    If you do not live in your home coun­try, we advise you to give (i) the address (home or host coun­try) you con­sid­er as your per­ma­nent address (the address where we could send you doc­u­ments by postal mail) and, if dif­fer­ent, also (ii) the address where you are stay­ing at the date of the sub­mis­sion dea­dine. Note that the address you give has no impli­ca­tion per se for the selec­tion process. What is impor­tant for us, if you ful­fil the “mobil­i­ty rule”, as men­tioned in the “call for appli­ca­tions” page.

    At sub­mis­sion stage, the sworn state­ment is manda­to­ry. The doc­u­ment prov­ing your res­i­dence can be miss­ing. This won’t have any impact at the selec­tion stage. If the proof of res­i­dence is miss­ing, the admis­sion will be con­di­tion­al to the pro­vi­sion of the rel­e­vant doc­u­ments, no lat­er than June 10.

    In any­case, note that, if you are accept­ed in the pro­gramme, we may ask you addi­tion­al details or doc­u­ments in order to ful­fill the require­ments of the programme.

    7.    Technical problems

    Please check your SPAMs before con­tact­ing us.

    Try to click on the top-left logos, or log out and log in once again.

    8.    Privacy, personal data

    Candidates/Applicants must be informed that if they are select­ed (pro­posed for a scholarship/fellowship, put on the reserve list or enrolled on a self-pay­ing basis) their data may be used for the pur­pos­es of eval­u­at­ing the pro­gramme, effi­cient­ly man­age the projects, and pro­duc­ing sta­tis­tics and research. Data could be made avail­able to the EACEA, the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, the Euro­pean Exter­nal Action Ser­vice staff, as well as to oth­er stake­hold­ers of the Eras­mus+ pro­gramme, such as Eras­mus+ Nation­al Agen­cies, Nation­al Eras­mus+ Offices and the Eras­mus Mundus Stu­dent and Alum­ni Association.

    Details about EACEA pol­i­cy: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/scholarships-catalogue_en

    9.    Contact for support

    Please refer to this FAQ and the oth­er sec­tions of the web­site before writ­ing to us.

    Con­tact us at application@epog-dn.eu.

    Con­tact us at application@epog.eu.

    Only if the answer is not on the web­site, you can con­tact application@epog-dn.eu.

    If you wish to dis­cuss about the top­ic of an indi­vid­ual research project, you can con­tact direct­ly, for that project, the super­vi­sor cor­re­spond­ing to the recruit­ing institution.

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