EPOG-DN - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation - Doctoral network

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The EPOG ecosystem

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    The EPOG (Eco­nom­ic Poli­cies for the Glob­al transition/bifurcation) ecosys­tem includes var­i­ous projects, activ­i­ties and groups aim­ing to address the major sociotech­ni­cal, socioe­co­nom­ic and socioe­co­log­i­cal chal­lenges our economies and soci­eties are facing.

    The ecosys­tem is described in the table below.

    EPOG+ and EPOG-JM The EPOG ecosys­tem includes pri­mar­i­ly Inter­na­tion­al Mas­ter’s pro­grammes:
    - EPOG-JM (Eco­nom­ic Poli­cies for the Glob­al bifur­ca­tion) Inter­na­tion­al Mas­ter’s pro­gramme (since 2024);
    - EPOG+ (Eco­nom­ic Poli­cies for the Glob­al tran­si­tion) Eras­mus Mundus Joint Mas­ter Degree (2020–2025);
    - EPOG2 (Eco­nom­ic Poli­cies in the age of Glob­al­i­sa­tion) Inter­na­tion­al Mas­ter’s pro­gramme (since 2018);
    These pro­gramme are the con­tin­u­a­tion of the EPOG (Eco­nom­ic Poli­cies in the age of Glob­al­i­sa­tion) Eras­mus Mundus Mas­ter’s Course (2013–2019).
    EPOG-Unesco chair
    The EPOG-Unesco chair, which aims to devel­op world­class, mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary and inclu­sive train­ing and research on eco­log­i­cal, socio-eco­nom­ic and dig­i­tal tran­si­tions, with a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on sus­tain­abil­i­ty and the link between sci­ence and society.
    EPOG Stu­dents and Alum­ni Asso­ci­a­tion (EPOG-SAA)
    The EPOG Stu­dents and Alum­ni Asso­ci­a­tion (EPOG-SAA) is a non-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion (under the French “1901 law”). It has been cre­at­ed and it is man­aged by EPOG stu­dents and grad­u­ates. It is made of all the stu­dents and alum­ni from the EPOG pro­grammes (EPOG / EPOG2 / EPOG+ / EPOG-JM). Its activ­i­ties include net­work­ing with aca­d­e­m­ic and non-aca­d­e­m­ic actors around the world, con­tribut­ing to the pro­gramme (through sem­i­nars, men­tor­ship, intern­ship and job pro­pos­als, dis­sem­i­na­tion and pro­mo­tion…), devel­op­ing an online social net­work, organ­is­ing an annu­al meet­ing… The asso­ci­a­tion is also the joint-edi­tor of the “EPOG Pol­i­cy briefs”.
    Friends of EPOGThe “Friends of EPOG / Amis d’EPOG” is a non-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion (under the French “1901 law”) aim­ing to sup­port the EPOG pro­grammes. It gath­ers organ­i­sa­tions and indi­vid­u­als (such as renowned researchers or prac­ti­tion­ers) from both aca­d­e­m­ic and non-aca­d­e­m­ic insti­tu­tions, will­ing to sup­port the pro­gramme (finan­cial sup­port, ad-hoc par­tic­i­pa­tion in sem­i­nars, dis­sem­i­na­tion and pro­mo­tion, etc.).
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