Supervisors and participants
At beneficiaries
David Flacher
Université de technologie de Compiègne, COSTECH lab
Director of the EPOG-DN programme
Supervisor of DC2: “Which role for low-tech, commons-based manufacturing and decentralised production within the ecological transition perspective”
David Flacher is Professor of economics and Deputy Director of the interdisciplinary COSTECH research lab at UTC, a lab dedicated to the study of technology through social sciences and humanities. He holds an engineering degree from Télécom Paris and a PhD in economics from Université Paris 9‑Dauphine — PSL. He has been Associate professor at Paris 13 University and Director of the CEPN research lab (CNRS UMR7234). He has founded the first EPOG Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course in 2012. He is the director of the EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree and of the EPOG-Unesco chair. His recent research interests are in the economics of education, the digital commons and the transformations of the economy in the digital era. He is coordinating the EPOG-DN project.
Cecilia Rikap
University College London, Head of Research at IIPP
Member of COSTECH lab, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Supervisor of DC1: “Platforms, big tech companies and the ecological transition”
Nathalie Blanc
Université Paris Cité — CNRS
Supervisor of DC11: “Contribution of environmental NGO’s to urban ecological restoration and rewilding dynamics”
Razmig Keucheyan
Université Paris Cité
Supervisor of DC3: “Big Data and In Natura Calculation for Ecological Planning”
Thomas Lamarche
Université Paris Cité, LADYSS
Supervisor of DC10: “Workplace democracy and the ecological transition”
Harold Levrel
Supervisor of DC11: “Contribution of environmental NGO’s to urban ecological restoration and rewilding dynamics”
Antoine Rebérioux
Université Paris Cité, LADYSS
Supervisor of DC10: “Workplace democracy and the ecological transition”
Antoine Rebérioux is Professor of Economics at Université Paris Cité (UPC), and a research fellow at LADYSS (UPC) and CREDDI (University of Antilles, Guadeloupe). His research focuses on corporate governance, employment and industrial relations and gender inequalities. He has published numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals, including top field reviews such as the Journal of Corporate Finance, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial relations, the Socio-Economic Review, the British Journal of Industrial relations, the Cambridge Journal of Economics, the Journal of Common Market Studies or Economic Modelling.
Valeria Costantini
Università degli studi Roma Tre
Supervisor of DC7: “Rethinking development in developing countries: evolution of productive structure, dependence and trade in the context of the ecological transition”
Valeria Costantini is Full Professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Economics, Roma Tre University (Italy). She is the Head of the Department of Economics at Roma Tre and President of the Italian Association for Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE). She is a member of the advisory board of the Italian Interuniversity Research Centre on Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies (SEEDS), and consultant for the trade-climate model of DG Trade of the EU. Her main research interest are: climate change policy, monetary evaluation of environmental damage, green technologies, policy mix design, energy markets and geopolitics. Additional info on the personal website.
Antonella Palumbo
Università degli studi Roma Tre
Supervisor of DC7: “Rethinking development in developing countries: evolution of productive structure, dependence and trade in the context of the ecological transition”
Enrico Sergio Levrero
Università degli studi Roma Tre
Supervisor of DC10: “Workplace democracy and the ecological transition”
Enrico Sergio Levrero is Professor of Economics at Roma Tre University. He studied economics at De Montfort University in Leicester (M.Phil) and the Sapienza University of Rome (Master’s degree and PhD). His main research interests and activities are in the theories of value and distribution, wages and the labour market, issues of monetary economics, and Sraffa’s works. He is a member of the Centro Sraffa Board of Directors, the “Macroeconomic implications of market-shaping and mission oriented policy” research group (UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose), and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on “Labour, Welfare and Social Rights in Europe”. He is editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of Political Economy and coordinator of the ‘Classical Theory and Policy Analysis’ Research Area of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE). He collaborates with INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking) on monetary issues. His previous works include Four Lectures on Wages and the Labour Market (2012), Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory in three volumes (2013, edited with A. Palumbo and A. Stirati) and several articles in academic journals and collective volumes.
Simone D’Alessandro
Università di Pisa
Supervisor of DC4: “Integrated Assessment Models: methods and applications to understand and manage complexity“
Supervisor of DC8: “Wellbeing without growth”
While his research interests span various areas of economics, such as economic development, industrial economics, behavioural economics, ecological economics and degrowth, his recent focus has centred on the socioeconomic impacts of policies promoting the transition to a sustainable economy. This research question stems from a commitment to addressing a critical issue like climate change and dissatisfaction with prevailing approaches. In 2017, he initiated a collaboration with the Greens/EFA group at the European Parliament on job creation in a Post-Growth society. This collaboration inspired the development of a dynamic macrosimulation model, called EUROGREEN, based on system dynamics, providing a reliable representation of national economies and feedback loops between emissions, energy use, and socioeconomic variables. A first synthesis was published in the article titled “Feasible Alternatives to Green Growth” (2020) in the Nature Sustainability journal. The thematic focus and the methodology facilitated the establishment of international scientific relationships and attracted outstanding young researchers, enabling the creation of a diverse research team aiming not only to produce original scientific results but also to suggest measures and interventions to policymakers.
Mikael Randrup Byrialsen
Aalborg Universitet
Supervisor of DC5: “Stock-flow consistent modelling with a Unified assets Framework for Improved Sustainability decision-support (SUFIS)”
Bo Weidema
Aalborg Universitet
Supervisor of DC5: “Stock-flow consistent modelling with a Unified assets Framework for Improved Sustainability decision-support (SUFIS)”
Louison Cahen-Fourot
Roskilde University
Supervisor of DC9: “The wage-labour nexus in a planetary boundaries-fit economy”
Louison Cahen-Fourot is an associate professor of Economics at Roskilde University’s Department of Social Sciences and Business (Denmark), and a guest researcher at WU Vienna’s Institute for Ecological Economics (Austria). Louison main fields of inquiry are ecological macroeconomics and the political economy of nature-society relations. His research program investigates the interconnections, interdependences and co-evolution of socio-economic and environmental dynamics. It includes topics like capital accumulation regimes, modes of regulation and sociometabolic regimes; diversity of capitalism, society-environment relations and environmental policies; money, finance, financialization, climate and sustainability; economic conditions and consequences of the ecological transition; and post-growth economics. Louison holds masters’ degrees in Sustainable development in transition and developing countries from CERDI — Université d’Auvergne and in International economics, finance and regulation from Sorbonne Paris Nord. He also holds a PhD in Economics from Sorbonne Paris Nord. From 2022 to 2024, Louison sits in the board of the International Society for Ecological Economics.
Giacomo D’Alisa
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Supervisor of DC8: “Wellbeing without growth”
Jason Hickel
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Supervisor of DC6: “Economic metabolism and unequal exchange: a Global North / Global South perspective”
Dr. Jason Hickel is an economic anthropologist, author, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He is Professor at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Visiting Senior Fellow at the International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics, and Chair Professor of Global Justice and the Environment at the University of Oslo. He is Associate Editor of the journal World Development, and serves on the Climate and Macroeconomics Roundtable of the US National Academy of Sciences, the advisory board of the Green New Deal for Europe, the Rodney Commission on Reparations and Redistributive Justice, and the Lancet Commission on Sustainable Health.
His research focuses on global political economy, inequality, and ecological economics, which are the subjects of his two most recent books: The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions (Penguin, 2017), and Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World (Penguin, 2020), which was listed by the Financial Times and New Scientist as a book of the year. Jason’s ethnographic work focuses on colonialism, anti-colonial struggles and the labour movement in South Africa.Giorgos Kallis
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Supervisor of DC8: “Wellbeing without growth”
Cédric Durand
Université de Genève
Supervisor of DC3: “Big Data and In Natura Calculation for Ecological Planning”
His books Le capital fictif. Comment la finance s’approprie notre avenir (2014) and Technoféodalisme. Critique de l’économie numérique (2020) have been translated in several languages. Moreover, he is a pioneer in the recently resurging debate on ecological planning with interventions in Le Monde Diplomatique, amongst others, and currently working on a book about Ecological Planning (with R. Keucheyan, forthcoming in 2024 in French at La Découverte).
At the associated partners
Luc Abbadie
Sorbonne Université, IEES
Supervisor of DC11: “Contribution of environmental NGO’s to urban ecological restoration and rewilding dynamics”
Nathalie Coutinet
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, CEPN
Nathalie Coutinet is Associate Professor of economics and research centre in economics and management of the University Paris 13 (CEPN – CNRS UMR7234). She has been the Director of the “Analyse des Politiques Economiques” (APE) Master’s programme and of the EPOG Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course at Paris 13, jointly with David Flacher. Her research focuses on Industrial economics, Health economics and the Pharmaceutical industry. She has published books and numerous articles. Her more recent book is dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry (Economie du medicament, Repères, La découverte, 2019, with Philippe Abecassis).
Dany Lang
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, CEPN
Supervisor of DC9: “The wage-labour nexus in a planetary boundaries-fit economy”
Dany Lang is Associate Professor of Economics at University of Paris 13 (and Professor at the U. of Saint Louis, Belgium). He is heading the lab’s research axis on the “dynamics of capitalism and Post-Keynesian analyses”. He has published many articles in world-class journals on income distribution, unemployment, path-dependence and the importance of time in economics. He is in charge of the overall coordination of the Major B in EPOG+, jointly with Philippe Steiner.
Aldo Geuna
Università degli studi di Torino
Supervisor of DC1: “Platforms, big tech companies and the ecological transition”
Aldo Geuna is Full Professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Torino, Fellow IEP, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), Fellow of the Collegio Carlo Alberto and Senior Research Associate at the Innovation Policy Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. He was Visiting Fellow at SIPER, Stanford University, Senior Lecturer at SPRU, University of Sussex, Senior Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute and Research Fellow at BETA, Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg). He has published several books and articles in refereed journals in the area of economics of science, economics of innovation and science and technology policy. He has had editorial responsibilities in Information Economics and Policy, Italian Economic Journal, Journal of Technology Transfer and Research Policy. He has been a member of various scientific committees, expert groups and panels in Italy, Sweden, the UK as well as for the OECD, the National Academies (US) and the EU. He has been an invited speaker in various European countries, the US, Canada, China and Korea. He taught as invited visiting professor in Chile, France, Italy, Spain and Vietnam
Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Supervisor of DC7: “Rethinking development in developing countries: evolution of productive structure, dependence and trade in the context of the ecological transition”
Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle is a senior lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) at the Department of Socioeconomics. His main research areas involve evolutionary political economy, agent-based modelling, complexity economics, institutional economics, global political economy dynamics, platform capitalism and the social ecological transformation. Manuel has published several peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, edited books in those fields and he is the author of “The Foundations of Evolutionary Institutional Economics. Generic Institutionalism” (Routledge 2014). Manuel is council member of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE).
Hervé Jeanmart
Université catholique de Louvain
Supervisor of DC4: “Integrated Assessment Models: methods and applications to understand and manage complexity”
Dominik Wiedenhofer
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Supervisor of DC6: “Economic metabolism and unequal exchange: a Global North / Global South perspective”
Antoine Godin
Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Tutor of DC6: “Economic metabolism and unequal exchange: a Global North / Global South perspective“
Tutor of DC7: “Rethinking development in developing countries: evolution of productive structure, dependence and trade in the context of the ecological transition“
Tutor of DC8: “Wellbeing without growth”
Antoine Godin joined AFD in 2017 and worked on the development of an application of the GEMMES model for the economies of Colombia and Morocco. He has been head of the GEMMES Unit since July 2019. He is also continuing research on low-carbon and resilient economic development, with a focus on the changes in the job market that are part of this transition.
Before joining AFD, Antoine Godin contributed to the development of different methodological approaches to macroeconomic modeling, which have been built on the concept of links between economic dynamics and financial dynamics. He was previously a consultant for the Bank of England and Professor of Financial Economics at Kingston University in London. Antoine Godin is now an Associate Economist at the Center of Economics of the University of Paris-Nord (CEPN). He graduated as an Engineer in Applied Mathematics at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), and holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Pavia (Italy). Using multi-agent stock-flow consistent models, he has studied innovation dynamics, financial instability and guaranteed employment policies.
Fabian Wagner
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Tutor of DC4: “Integrated Assessment Models: methods and applications to understand and manage complexity“
Tutor of DC5: “Stock-flow consistent modelling with a Unified assets Framework for Improved Sustainability decision-support (SUFIS)”
Jason Nardi
Intercontinental network for the promotion of social solidarity
Tutor of DC2: “Which role for low-tech, commons-based manufacturing and decentralised production within the ecological transition perspective”
A trainer on the topics of solidarity economy and ethical finance, Jason is general delegate of RIPESS EU — Solidarity Economy Europe and for five years was coordinator of the international council of RIPESS, the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy, which brings together grassroots initiatives, cooperative and social enterprises, academic and institutional members worldwide. RIPESS is recognized by ECOSOC and is an observer member of the United Nations Interagency Task Force on SSE (
Jason studied communication and media (Princeton University, USA, and a Master’s degree at the University of Florence) and was director of Unimondo, the Italian center of — an international portal on global rights. For ten years he worked for the Ethical Finance Foundation and at the annual Terra Futura event. Jason lives in Florence, where he promotes CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) projects, mutualism (in MAG Florence), the Mondeggi Bene Comune community and the Florence Commons Forum.
Béla Galgóczi
European Trade Union Institute
Tutor of DC9: “The wage-labour nexus in a planetary boundaries-fit economy“
Tutor of DC10: “Workplace democracy and the ecological transition”
Areas of activity: employment and social policies, sustainable development, impact of crisis, labour mobility, restructuring, managing change, location competition, Central Eastern Europe
Cédissia About
Ville de Paris
Tutor of DC11: “Contribution of environmental NGO’s to urban ecological restoration and rewilding dynamics”
Cédissia About is Architect-urban planner at the City of Paris. She holds a PhD in urban planning. In charge of research and development at the Public Buildings and Architecture Department, her main missions involve monitoring and implementing strategic plans and documents, developing and implementing innovations relating to eco-renovation in public building, monitoring the greening of school grounds. She has published and contributes to various research programs on areas including eco-urbanism and eco-construction, circular economy, life cycle analysis, nature in the city.
Cécilia Berthaud
Secrétariat général pour la planification écologique
Tutor of DC1: “Platforms, big tech companies and the ecological transition“
Tutor of DC3: “Big Data and In Natura Calculation for Ecological Planning”